The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Friday, July 25, 2014

Assignment Living

In this new chapter of my life many of you know I chose, with much prayer and consideration, to stay put in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This came as a surprise for most, if anyone knows my heart for the sweet South. However, in this season, I also believe that I have been given an assignment; I like to refer to this as assignment living- to live knowing that you've been chosen and placed in the specific city you're in for special tasks assigned to you by God. 

Two months ago, I began working for Tallgrass Family Services, which is a foster care placement agency that certifies, trains, and equips foster parents as well as places foster children in homes. This has been quite the learning experience thus far. The families that I have been working with are extremely selfless, bold, and compassionate individuals. On many occasions I have had the opportunity to visit with children already placed in the home. This is my favorite part of the job. I truly believe that each encounter with a child is a divine appointment. In the few moments that I have to spend with each child, I have the opportunity to bring hope, healing, and awaken new dreams. It is my greatest honor and privilege to be given the task of praying over these precious lives who have no control over their past circumstances but believe and speak life over their futures and declare that they are not defined by their past in Jesus' Name. When I see these children, I see bright futures; doctors, pastors, counselors, teachers, CEO's. These children need someone to believe in them, someone to encourage them, someone to bring them hope. So what is my assignment? To bring hope, stand in the gap, pray without ceasing, and believe that God holds each child with His best interest in mind. While I don't know the details of what these next few months or years have in store, I do know that His plans are good and stand firm. This journey is a step-by-step process, and when I begin to see the puzzle pieces come together, I stand in awe of His faithfulness and hand at work.

Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 
Ephesians 4:1

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