The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Purpose Driven Generation

A purpose driven generation begins with us. 
I believe that it is our duty, as adults in society, to pull out the giftings that God has placed on the inside of children. Once we discover these gifts and talents we must nurture and encourage them. This investment is one that is crucial to the next generation. We should be encouraging these little lives to be the best they can be with the unique gift they've been given. So many people spend their whole lives searching for their purpose and calling instead of stepping into it with boots on the ground. What if they realized their potential at a young age? Encourage kids to dream big dreams but also remember that they are looking up to us for guidance, direction, and affirmation for those dreams. If we begin speaking life into these young souls, I believe a generation of driven, confident, warriors will be raised up ready to conquer. Maybe you once pursued a hobby or passion because someone older than you realized the potential you had and took the time to voice what they saw in you. 
Whether it be a young neighbor, niece/nephew, grandchild, student, son, or daughter, I encourage you to take the time to pull out gifts/strengths/talents that you see in him or her. Every child has something to offer to this world; whether they use it or not could be determined by the encouragement they may or may not receive. Set these children up to succeed. Speed bumps and learning opportunities will come along the way but failure must not be an option. What can you do to invest in the next generation? 

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