The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Friday, January 3, 2014

Compelled By Compassion

As I continue to move closer and closer to the day I will walk across the stage and receive my diploma from Oral Roberts University, I can't help but look back on the "stand out" moments that have wrecked my life these past few years.  Now when I say wrecked, I mean completey transformed my views, my mindset, and my heart. I've decided to share a few stories from my practicum experience as a social work major placed in a local emergency children's shelter. Each day, children were escorted in by the police after being taken out of their homes for various reasons, such as abuse or neglect. A few of my responsibilities included monitoring the children's daily phone call to an approved parent or family member, helping the families settle in upon their intake process as well as helping them gather their belongings when they were being dismissed to a foster family. 

In order to protect each child and his or her case, I have replaced their real names. Each of these stories come from weekly logs that were recorded for a class assignment. 

Phone Calls:
"One boy, who couldn't be over the age of nine, asked to call the one person listed on his contact list, his previous foster mother. In the middle of their conversation he says to her, 'Mom, did you know I had a court date in March?' After she replied he asked, 'Do you know what it's for?' When she replied with a 'no' he said, 'Kyle doesn't want me anymore, he's giving me up for adoption.' I did all that I could to sit across from him and hold back the tears I wanted to cry. He continued by saying, 'I know it's a lot of paperwork, but I know you can do it. Would you adopt me?' This precious boy had a full life ahead of him to live and at the age of nine has already experienced abandonment, rejection, loneliness, and depression." 

"While I was in the office putting together files of new intakes I overheard that there was a family of two coming in that night. A strong, particular stench caught my attention and I turned around to find two barefooted young children, maybe four and six years old, wearing shorts,  short -sleeved shirts and an oversized vest. I could not believe what I was seeing. It was freezing cold outside with snow on the ground and they were dressed as if it was summertime. The stench no longer became a concern, but what I was about to hear next I haven’t forgotten since. 'Are we going to get blankets tonight?', one child asked. The social worker replied, 'YES! Blankets and your own bed. It is gong to be like a big sleepover with lots of kids!' The two children became excited. I wanted to wrap these children in my arms in that moment. The image of these children walking into the office on that cold winter’s night is one that will stay with me for some time."

"The moment I saw the four month old baby boy my heart melted! When the caseworker asked if I’d like to hold him I jumped at the opportunity and quickly replied, 'I’d love to!' He was a mixed baby with a head full of dark, curly hair. He had chubby cheeks and the sweetest smile. I held him tightly in his swaddled blanket as I walked around the office. He would look up at me with those big brown eyes and giggle. I then took him to the nurse where she took his vital signs. I was told that he was brought in for neglect. The back of his head was flat, where he had been left in his crib for lengthy periods of time. I wasn’t quite ready to give this baby back. Luckily, a foster home was quickly found for him. One of the social workers assured me that I was a natural and asked if I wanted to take him home to the dorms. If only I really could do that I would in a heartbeat." It's these moments that are my favorite. The moments I was able to pray over the child in the short amount of time I had with him or her. Moments to speak life over them despite their past circumstances and pray for their physical and emotional healing. Once they leave my arms, with the very slim chance I will ever see them again, all I can do is believe that the Lord has nothing but the best for these precious lives. 

"As I was finishing up my night at the shelter I noticed a petite, frail little girl wobble through the doorway of the office. She made her way over to the desk I was sitting at and reached her arms out for a hug. I leaned over and squeezed her tightly. I waved goodbye as the worker escorted her back to her assigned cottage. I had not seen the child before and began asking the social worker about her case. In the next few minutes I had learned that she had been taken out of a home where she was found laying in a crib full of her own feces. Measuring the child's development and size I guessed she was about three years old, but was surprised to learn that she was really five years old. When she was brought to the shelter she could not walk, nor could she talk." She was the sweetest little girl determined to find her place in this world. Each week I went back and visited her and have since learned that she's been placed in a loving foster home with the opportunity to thrive. 

These are just a few of the moments that have confirmed the call God has on my life. All too often, the things that break our hearts are the things we are called to be the answer to. These stories, that are forever ingrained in my heart, are there to compel me to share the love and compassion of Christ with these precious little lives. The lives that so desperately need the joy, peace, and hope that Christ has to offer. What is it that compels you to a life of compassion? He who calls you is faithful and will not fail to equip you for the journey. 

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