The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Set-Apart Girl For Christ

A Set-Apart Girl...
  • Encourages those around her
  • Loves all, but is not afraid to speak in truth when the door is opened
  • Lets the man be a man, respecting him and encouraging him 
  • Is willing to lay down her own selfish desires to follow her Prince
  • Lends a helping hand to those in need 
  • Possesses a servant’s heart
  • Realizes that true beauty can only be found in her Prince
  • Honors her father & mother and respects authority
  • Is aware of the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of her
  • Prays with unwavering, immovable, persistent faith
  • Uses words that are honoring to her King
  • Delights in honoring her King through the music she listens to, tv/ movies she watches, and magazines/ books she reads
  • Does not look for desires to be met by earthly things that will not last 
  • Is joyful in all that she does without complaining
  • Carries herself well with a purpose
  • Dresses modestly, not causing her brothers to stumble
  • Is discontent with everyday living
  • Lives each day adventurously with her Prince
  • Puts others before herself 
  • Continually thanks her Father for all that He has done and is doing in her life
  • Does not worry, she trusts God will supply ALL her needs
  • Believes that her Prince will satisfy the desires He has placed in her heart
  • Is a world changer
  • Portrays polite and lady-like characteristics 

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