The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Jesus Loves Me This I KNOW

If I have been learning anything over the course of the past few weeks, it's a new revelation of the love of Christ. It's one thing to accept that Jesus loves you, but to really know that you know that you know without a shadow of a doubt is another. This means when my plans don't turn out the way I envisioned, I know that His ways are higher, His thoughts are higher than my own, He has a bigger picture in mind. And how do I know this? Because I KNOW His love for me. Knowing goes beyond feelings. Some days, I wake up and I don't always feel that love from my Creator, but I still know it stands true down deep in my heart. I know He is a good God, He promises in His Word that my future is in His hands. I know that He gives good gifts to His children (Matt. 7:11). 

Knowing is the confidence that whatever you believe is true. In order to know these things, I had to first believe them. I believe[d] Him at His Word because of the love He has for me. I am able to believe that He wants the best for me in every area of my life. Once I began believing that God wants the best for me simply because He loves me, I stopped worrying. I stopped worrying about my future because I know that He's able to guard what I've entrusted to Him until it comes to pass (2 Tim. 1:12). I once heard it said, "When you know how much He loves you, you know there's nothing He wouldn't do for you" -Jeremy Pearsons. 

I believe that the enemy, satan, specifically targets women and girls in the area of self-worth which then leads to actions of depression, suicide, self-harm, etc. The enemy knows that once we receive a revelation of just how much Christ loves us, we are unstoppable. If he can get us to buy into the lies that we are not worthy enough to be loved and pursued, then he thinks he's won. The very nature of Jesus is love. He cares for you dearly and delights in every little detail of your life (Ps. 37:23). He can be trusted, He is safe. He loves it when we come to Him with our concerns, fears, doubts. He loves to trade those fears, doubts, and unbelief for His peace and strength. He loves when we come to Him with bold faith asking and believing Him at His very Word. Whether you come in fear or faith, He is present with love. 

I pray that you would receive a new revelation of the love of Christ, a knowing down deep in your heart that doesn't weaken or fade when trials and tribulation come. A knowing that takes you further than your feelings on the days you don't feel loved. A knowing that He is a good, good Father who passionately pursues you day after day simply because He loves you. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Perfectly Imperfect

How many times do we, myself included, strive to show the world how perfect our lives may look on the outside? The perfect Facebook post to inspire your followers or the perfectly filtered Instagram picture, both which display just how much we have it together. But so often that is far from the truth. Very far. We are quick to post the exciting events going on in our lives, but beneath the surface are the day-to-day tests that life brings, decisions that need to be made, and endless demands. 

I admit, I plead guilty of this act of perfection. 
I often stray away from things that I believe I would be less than “perfect” at in fear of failure. I spend 30+ minutes putting the “perfect” outfit together and then another 10+ styling the “perfect” curls. {I write this in my "perfectly planned Starbucks outfit", which includes an unintended deodorant stain at the bottom of my dress. Not to mention the messy curls that this Charleston shower had no mercy on as I ran into Starbucks without my matching Vera Bradley umbrella to tie the outfit together. First world problems, right?}   I strive after that perfectly pinned “Home Sweet Home” board I created on Pinterest. And for what? To deceive others in thinking I have it all together? Friends, I most certainly do not have it all together. The danger in striving after perfection, is that it sets up for discouragement when we fail and leaves a void in our heart that longs for more when we finally reach this “perfection.” 

Accepting imperfection is a process. Each day, I’m learning it’s okay if I take a misstep. It’s okay if the plans I have been making change or don’t look the way I intended. God’s grace is sufficient for me, His mercies are made new every single morning. Life does go on. I’ve decided to take a new approach. Rather than striving after a “spirit of perfection”, I have chosen to strive for a spirit of excellence in all that I do. A spirit of excellence is one that leaves you confident that you left your best effort on the field. You can go to bed knowing you made the very most of your day and put your best foot forward. I’ve traded my mess of imperfect plans for God’s plan. I've traded my best for God's best. My best can only take me so far, but His best will take me to places I never could imagine. In His Word full of promises that never return void and never fail, He reminds me The plans of the Lord stand firm forever (Psalm 33:11) no matter how many times I feel as if I’ve messed them up. And when I think there’s no way for the “distorted plans” to turn into something beautiful, He reminds me “I am doing a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19). 

Through my own imperfection God is able to show Himself 
STRONG where I am weak
MERCIFUL when I am in need of forgiveness
LOVING when I feel unloved 
PATIENT when I continue to make the same mistakes 
PEACEFUL in the midst of the chaos I’ve created in my life. 

I am perfectly imperfect. 

His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).