The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Saturday, October 19, 2013

In One Moment...

In one single moment a life can be impacted. Words have the power to build a person up or tear a person down. Some moments stand out more than others and are carried with us throughout a lifetime. While reading Wess Stafford's book titled "Just A Minute", I thought I would take the time to thank a few people who have impacted my life greatly even just for a moment. 

Ms. Melissa Stokes, Shooting Stars School of Performing Arts:
Ms. Melissa, you will never know the impact you have made on my life. In the short amount of time I was blessed to spend at Shooting Stars, I learned by your example. Your bold, courageous, confidence as you entered the throne of God in prayer always inspired me. Whether it be before class, starting a routine, or going on stage at a competition, you made it clear that He would receive all of the glory no matter the outcome. You spoke God's promises over us and now they are forever ingrained in my head that "we are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, blessed coming in and blessed going out." That promise manifested time and time again as Shooting Stars took home the prize. But more than gaining beautiful technique or winning competitions, you won souls. I am certain that you've impacted many, many lives beyond the dancers that come through your door. From parents, judges, and members in the audience. I cannot thank you enough for your commitment and dedication to pouring into the many lives that will forever be changed.

To the youth leadership at Seacoast Church: 
My relationship with Christ flourished at Seacoast Church. Your guidance and encouragement launched me into the call God has on my life. It was under your leadership that I developed a strong passion for student-led prayer. Wando's Prayer at the Pole would not have begun if it wasn't for Elevation 2009: Uprising. Students were challenged to take a stand and cause an uprising for God in our generation. My dream is that one day students across the United States and even around the world will take a stand and begin each morning at their school's flag pole by praying for protection over the school, fellow students, faculty and staff. Seacoast Missions also impacted my life. It was my trip to Nicaragua in 2008 where my heart for orphans was reignited. Lastly, Seacoast small groups played a huge role in developing a daily devotion to Christ. I will forever remember each of my small group leaders and the influence they have had in my life. Thank you for devoting your time to the many students that go through the youth program. 

My sweet mother, Vicki Billings:
For all the late nights you spent in my room praying over me when you thought I was sound asleep, or the countless number of sermons and "Positive Hits Z88.3" that played in the background of the car on our way to dance class. The power of a praying mother is effective. You taught me the importance of positively feeding your ears, eyes, and mind. The things one allows their ears to hear and their eyes to see ultimately come out in their words and actions. As an elementary schooler eating cereal at the breakfast table, I remember watching the ORU singers every morning on TV. Little did I know, my mom began sowing seed for one of her children to attend ORU. Years later, I am now a senior and will be graduating from ORU in May. You are the sweetest, kindest, and most loving person I know. You treat each person you come in contact with as if it was a divine appointment from Christ. You always have a sweet, soft smile on your face. God's favor goes before you, follows you, and surrounds you like a shield. I have never met a person who gets the front parking space every single time and then says, "Thanks God, I have favor." Simply saying thank you cannot cover the impact you have made on my life. If I can one day become even slightly like the wife, mother, and friend you have been, I would call it a blessing. I love you, Mom. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Waiting Warriors

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130: 5

Wait: to remain stationary in readiness or expectation. 
While waiting for the Lord, I do not believe that we are to remain unresponsive or shut down, but rather unshaken to the voices of defeat and distress that satan tries to feed our ears and eyes. When we do not see immediate results, we so often become quick to form negative thoughts concerning our situation. As  followers of Christ, we already know the "expected" result. That result is victory. Time and time again the Lord promises victory to His people in His written word. He is not trying to hide it from us. But satan on the other hand, tries to blind our minds from seeing what has already been given to us (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan knows if we can get ahold of all the promises of God, he would be shut down. 

What if we decided to make God's Word final authority for every circumstance and situation we face? What if we decided to stand up and fight back when satan tries to steal what has already been given to us? When Jesus died on the cross, we were given healing in our physical bodies, sound minds, peace, hope, and ultimately a life of abundance. These things were given to us as a gift and are rightfully ours. I encourage you to go to God's Word and find scripture to stand on. Write these verses down and pin them up where they can be seen multiple times a day. By doing so, your eyes are being fed the Word of God and ultimately your faith is being strengthened for whatever you may be facing. Lastly, speak the scripture you have chosen out of your mouth. You, more than anyone, will believe the words that come out of your own mouth. As an heir of God (Romans 8:17), fight back for what is yours. Put your hope in the victory you've already been given in and through Jesus Christ. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

He Delights In Every Detail

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23

As a senior at Oral Roberts University, lately I have been looking back on the past three years of this amazing journey. I am beginning to see the puzzle pieces fit together and see God's hand at work from the start. Freshman year, I came into ORU as a nursing major. Certain that the Lord was calling me to nursing, I came to ORU to build a strong backbone in what the school has been known for; faith and healing. I knew that as a nurse, these were two extremely important elements that I would have to stand firm in.

I quickly came to realize that the hospital was no setting for me. I then switched to an education major. While I always knew that I wanted to work with kids, the classroom just wasn't for me. I went to the Lord for direction and He spoke to my spirit saying, "Amy, I want you to love children around the world." I began seeking other options and finally stumbled upon the social work program. After sharing my heart for orphans to a social work professor, she invited me to sit in on a class. The moment that class ended, I walked to registrar to fill out yet another major change request form. This time I was without a doubt I was where I was suppose to be.

If I would have began college as a social work major, I truly think that I would have chosen a state school closer to home, where everything was comfortable. Instead, the Lord opened all the right doors, created long lasting friendships, provided comfort being 18 hours away from home, and placed endless opportunities in my path. He has done more than I could have ever asked or imagined, just as He promises to do so. He has fulfilled dreams, such as traveling to China to work in an orphanage for a month. My heart has been molded in ways that could only be molded through such experiences. I've had the opportunity to work alongside a counselor at a school for pregnant and parenting teen girls. Last semester, I worked in an emergency children's shelter where I witnessed children being brought in from abusive and neglectful homes week after week. Each of these experiences have shaped me in order to fulfill the call that God has on my life. He even continues to surprise me with the little details, like the opportunity to take an equestrian class. He knows your hearts desires and loves to fulfill the hidden dreams in your heart that have been put on the back burner.

As I finish up my final year at ORU, close one chapter of my life and begin a new one, I am trusting and believing that God has only the greatest things in store. He delights in every detail of our lives. We have the choice to worry about out future, try to make things happen in our own strength and timing, or we can place it all before the throne of God, while we rest knowing that His plans stand firm, His timing is perfect, and He will direct the steps we need to take. He is the one who opens supernatural doors of opportunity and creates divine connections. When following the call of God, He is always faithful to be your God from start to finish. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sweet Surrender

The importance of daily surrender to the King:
 Last year while in China for a month, I realized the importance of surrendering all of me in order to be filled up with the fullness of Christ. These precious orphans depended on me to empty myself of my own agenda, strength, and will so that the Lord and His power could move in and through me. Give the Lord an inch to move and He will take a mile.

It's as easy as a simple prayer like this: 

Father,  I give You my mind today. I set my thoughts on things above (Col. 3:2) and I thank You that as a child of God you have given me a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7).

I give you my ears to hear Your still, small voice. Speak to me. 

I give you my eyes to see Your children as You see them. I fix my eyes on You, Jesus, for You are the perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:2). 

I give you my mouth to speak words of life, to call things that are not as though they already are (Romans 4:17). 

I give you my hands to be a healer, to lay hands on the sick and they will be healed (Mark 16:18). 

I give you my feet to go where You call me to go. How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation (Isaiah 52:7). 

Finally, I give you my heart. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Let the peace that comes from You rule in my heart, for You have called me to live in peace (Col. 3:15), without worry, doubt, or anxiety. I partner with Your heart today as I continue to pursue the call You have on my life. 

Use me today Lord, I am completely Yours. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Walking Into 2013 Greater

2013. A year of fulfillment, blessings, and favor. I love new beginnings, receiving a second chance to improve, but how is it the moment we receive another shot the devil comes knockin' on our door reminding us of our past failures and regrets? We, as children of God, have the power to shut that door and keep it shut.

"I do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, behold, You are doing a new thing in my life and now it shall spring forth" (Isaiah 43:18-91 paraphrase).

Our confession, what comes out of our mouths, is extremely powerful. It can make or break your situation. When we choose to speak God's Word, chains are broken, blind eyes are opened, sickness is no more. The devil must flee at the name of Jesus. Yes, must. When Jesus left this earth to be seated at the right hand of God, he left us his name. I pray that the Lord will make you aware of the power of His presence living in and through you this year. Make 2013 a year of doing everything in His name. Walk in His name, call things that are not as if they already are in His name. You are not defined by your past. This year the Lord is "doing a new thing in your life and now it shall spring forth." This is your year to walk in all that He has prepared for you. 

"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!" (John 14:12-14).
This is your year for greater.