The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Saturday, March 31, 2012

He Who Calls You Is Faithful, Part I

Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass. 1 Thessalonians 5:24  
  In just six weeks I will be boarding a plane and heading off to Beijing, China. Since eighth grade, I have dreamed of the opportunity to work in an orphanage. The Lord is so faithful to do the things that which He has called us as well as give us the desires He has placed in our heart. While in Beijing, my team and I will be working alongside New Day Foster Home. Because we are not able to speak the Gospel openly in China, we will be sharing the love of Christ through our actions. God has placed a love for children in my heart long ago. Even when I was a little girl, I carried a baby doll everywhere I went. That baby was treated as if he or she was a real child. They had car seats (which my mom would find at yard sales), real diapers, small cribs, blankets, the whole nine yards. As women, we are tender hearted and nurturing beings. That's the way God created us to be. 
  The past six months my team and I have been praying for these precious children in the orphanage. Each child has a story. Many of the children were abandoned somewhere, found by the police, and brought to New Day. The thing that breaks my heart the most is that these children have no control over their unfortunate circumstance. They did not choose to be deserted by someone who is suppose to love and cherish them. That is why I feel our role is so crucial. We have the hope and joy living on the inside of us, Jesus Christ. Through this trip my team and I will be able to share the love of Christ whether it be through holding a baby who is brand new to the orphanage, playing with the children, or relieving the hardworking staff. Because the staff is limited, each child is not able to receive the love and attention he or she needs to thrive.
  Growing up, I always had a mother and father to tuck me in and kiss me goodnight. My family showed up for every tee ball game, dance recital, or chorus concert. It's my time to give back. To be able to love these children whether it be through a hug or smile is the very least I can do. God has a special plan for each one of these children. We're called to bring hope where His light is seen dim and His voice is heard small...