The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Not For the Faint of Heart

God-sized dreams have been placed inside of you. These dreams are not placed there to escape reality nor to restrict you to the life you've been living. The Author of your dreams wants to take you to a new level, one that is not a life of settling for less than all that He has created you to be. Dreaming is not for the faint of heart. When God has given you a dream, it becomes a part of you, your thoughts, your way of living, and the way you see the world around you. Whether you've had a dream since you were young or you have a new dream, I urge you to press forward.

The first step is to picture your dream. Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Dreaming is a source of hope. The second step is to write it out. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "And then God answered: 'Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. The vision-message is a witness pointing to what's coming. It aches for the coming- it can hardly wait! And it doesn't lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It's on it's way. It will come right on time'." Writing down your dream and setting goals takes us from a place of merely thinking to setting a plan of action, a plan that will set your eyes on the future. Lastly, I believe it is important to speak life over your dream. Romans 4:17 says, "We serve a God who gives life to the dead and speaks of nonexistent things as if they existed." When you begin to speak your dream, you begin to believe it. The tongue is a powerful weapon that can steer you to a life of abundance or a life of destruction. What are you speaking over your dream? You can begin by thanking God that His Word is true. The Word of God is filled with promises to speak over your dream such as, 

  • The Lord shall command the blessing upon me in my storehouse in all that I undertake. The Lord makes me have a surplus of prosperity through the fruit of my body. He blesses me in the land which He gives me. -Deuteronomy 28:8,11
  • ...everything I do will prosper. -Psalm 1:3
  • He who calls you is faithful, and surely He will do it. -1 Thessalonians 5:24 

Take the dreams God has given you, take action, and begin to watch how He will amaze you. Continually remember that these dreams are not your own, but rather a gift from the Lord. He has entrusted you with these dreams. Don't let others trample them, discourage them or distort them. These dreams belong to Him and can only be accomplished in and through Him. He's given you a unique dream that was specially designed for you. I pray that the Lord will ignite a new fire to the dream He has placed in your heart as you begin this journey.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He Who Calls You Is Faithful, Part II: The Journey To China

China. What an incredible experience, one that was beyond my wildest dreams. Each day was a day of surrendering my own energy, strength, schedule, and love in order to be filled up completely with the fullness of Christ. I quickly learned that I alone had nothing to offer to these orphans that would last, but rather an outpour of Christ's love that He has for us that I am able to give. I was sent to pray without ceasing, to stand in the gap for these little lives that had no control over their past circumstances. 

After a week of ropes training and team building, a group of nine ORU students and I boarded a plane and headed to Beijing, China on May 13th. The fourteen hour flight seemed endless, however, we were ready for an adventure. We finally arrived on Tuesday the 15th around 12AM and headed out to New Day’s campus, where we would be living and working for the next month. New Day has three different aspects: a foster home, an english learning center, and a factory. The foster home houses about twenty-five orphans who have a medical need. When a child is found, he or she is then taken to a local orphanage by the police. These orphanages contact New Day when they are unable to attend to the orphan’s needs. New Day helps to get the child the surgery that he or she needs. Many of the children have a heart condition, Spina Bifida, clubbed limbs, cleft lip/ palate, deformed ears, Albinism or Down Syndrome. The english learning center is a school for students ages fifteen and up to improve their english before they head off to study abroad, usually in the United States. The factory creates inspirational products and gifts that are often found in Christian bookstores. 

Years ago, God began to instill in me a heart for orphans. The moment I stepped foot in the foster home and saw these children, they instantly captured my heart. Each child at New Day had been rescued from abandonment in a local park, beside the railroad tracks, in a hotel, etc. When I held these precious children I couldn’t help but think who could abandon this little life? 

This trip has confirmed my passion to be an advocate for the orphaned. Now that I have held these children in my own arms I cannot help but partner with the heart of Christ and continue to pursue the calling He has on my life. The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Saturday, March 31, 2012

He Who Calls You Is Faithful, Part I

Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass. 1 Thessalonians 5:24  
  In just six weeks I will be boarding a plane and heading off to Beijing, China. Since eighth grade, I have dreamed of the opportunity to work in an orphanage. The Lord is so faithful to do the things that which He has called us as well as give us the desires He has placed in our heart. While in Beijing, my team and I will be working alongside New Day Foster Home. Because we are not able to speak the Gospel openly in China, we will be sharing the love of Christ through our actions. God has placed a love for children in my heart long ago. Even when I was a little girl, I carried a baby doll everywhere I went. That baby was treated as if he or she was a real child. They had car seats (which my mom would find at yard sales), real diapers, small cribs, blankets, the whole nine yards. As women, we are tender hearted and nurturing beings. That's the way God created us to be. 
  The past six months my team and I have been praying for these precious children in the orphanage. Each child has a story. Many of the children were abandoned somewhere, found by the police, and brought to New Day. The thing that breaks my heart the most is that these children have no control over their unfortunate circumstance. They did not choose to be deserted by someone who is suppose to love and cherish them. That is why I feel our role is so crucial. We have the hope and joy living on the inside of us, Jesus Christ. Through this trip my team and I will be able to share the love of Christ whether it be through holding a baby who is brand new to the orphanage, playing with the children, or relieving the hardworking staff. Because the staff is limited, each child is not able to receive the love and attention he or she needs to thrive.
  Growing up, I always had a mother and father to tuck me in and kiss me goodnight. My family showed up for every tee ball game, dance recital, or chorus concert. It's my time to give back. To be able to love these children whether it be through a hug or smile is the very least I can do. God has a special plan for each one of these children. We're called to bring hope where His light is seen dim and His voice is heard small...